today’s the day

***Today’s the day–I don’t know why but it is–so take the energy and do the thing that you have been putting off, procrastinating, sing at the event, do the poetry reading, do a two-minute ritual to shift your marriage/relationship, clean you ENTIRE closet, clean the floors and mop, and dream a bigger life for yourself –one of Denise Linn’s affirmations in Soul Coaching is “My evaluation of myself is not who I am.” –(not who you have decided you are based on what people told you or how they reacted to you–you are spirit, a beautiful loving soul spirit deep inside of you), plant flowers, EXERCISE, get the momentum of your life going and start your morning by shaking you a$$ to Katie Sky’s song “Run” which was introduced to me by my daughter.  Thank you!  🙂  Now turn the volume UP and get up and dance!!!

Oh, also, I woke up this morning with someone telling me that dogs were our barkangels or should I say b/archangels 😉

Namaste and many blessings***



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